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Appendix D Error Codes

All PnetCDF APIs return an integer value, an error code indicating the error status. NC_NOERR, NF_NOERR, and NF90_NOERR mean the API ran successfully. All error codes are non-positive integral values, constants defined in header file pnetcdf.h. One can call APIs ncmpi_strerror/nfmpi_strerror/nf90mpi_strerror to turn an error code into a human readable string. For example, NC_EBADID becomes "NetCDF: Not a valid ID". The code fragment below shows a way to check for error and prints the error message.

err = ncmpi_create(comm, path, cmode, info, &ncid);
if (err != NC_NOERR) {
    int rank;
    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
    printf("Error at rank %d: %s\n", rank, ncmpi_strerror(err));

PnetCDF reports the error codes that are recognizable by netCDF. NetCDF-3, netCDF-4 and PnetCDF each defines a disjoined range of negative values corresponding to their error codes.

NetCDF-3 error codes

#define NC_NOERR        0       /* No Error */

#define NC_EBADID       (-33)   /* Not a netcdf id */
#define NC_ENFILE       (-34)   /* Too many netcdfs open */
#define NC_EEXIST       (-35)   /* netcdf file exists && NC_NOCLOBBER */
#define NC_EINVAL       (-36)   /* Invalid Argument or file format violates CDF specification */
#define NC_EPERM        (-37)   /* Write to read only */
#define NC_ENOTINDEFINE (-38)   /* Operation not allowed in data mode */
#define NC_EINDEFINE    (-39)   /* Operation not allowed in define mode */
#define NC_EINVALCOORDS (-40)   /* Index exceeds dimension bound */
#define NC_EMAXDIMS     (-41)   /* NC_MAX_DIMS exceeded */
#define NC_ENAMEINUSE   (-42)   /* String match to name in use */
#define NC_ENOTATT      (-43)   /* Attribute not found */
#define NC_EMAXATTS     (-44)   /* NC_MAX_ATTRS exceeded */
#define NC_EBADTYPE     (-45)   /* Not a netcdf data type */
#define NC_EBADDIM      (-46)   /* Invalid dimension id or name */
#define NC_EUNLIMPOS    (-47)   /* NC_UNLIMITED in the wrong index */
#define NC_EMAXVARS     (-48)   /* NC_MAX_VARS exceeded */
#define NC_ENOTVAR      (-49)   /* Variable not found */
#define NC_EGLOBAL      (-50)   /* Action prohibited on NC_GLOBAL varid */
#define NC_ENOTNC       (-51)   /* Not a netcdf file */
#define NC_ESTS         (-52)   /* In Fortran, string too short */
#define NC_EMAXNAME     (-53)   /* NC_MAX_NAME exceeded */
#define NC_EUNLIMIT     (-54)   /* NC_UNLIMITED size already in use */
#define NC_ENORECVARS   (-55)   /* nc_rec op when there are no record vars */
#define NC_ECHAR        (-56)   /* Attempt to convert between text & numbers */
#define NC_EEDGE        (-57)   /* Edge+start exceeds dimension bound */
#define NC_ESTRIDE      (-58)   /* Illegal stride */
#define NC_EBADNAME     (-59)   /* Attribute or variable name contains illegal characters */
#define NC_ERANGE       (-60)   /* Math result not representable */
#define NC_ENOMEM       (-61)   /* Memory allocation (malloc) failure */
#define NC_EVARSIZE     (-62)   /* One or more variable sizes violate format constraints */
#define NC_EDIMSIZE     (-63)   /* Invalid dimension size */
#define NC_ETRUNC       (-64)   /* File likely truncated or possibly corrupted */
#define NC_EAXISTYPE    (-65)   /* Unknown axis type. */

#define NC_EDAP         (-66)   /* Generic DAP error */
#define NC_ECURL        (-67)   /* Generic libcurl error */
#define NC_EIO          (-68)   /* Generic IO error */
#define NC_ENODATA      (-69)   /* Attempt to access variable with no data */
#define NC_EDAPSVC      (-70)   /* DAP server error */
#define NC_EDAS         (-71)   /* Malformed or inaccessible DAS */
#define NC_EDDS         (-72)   /* Malformed or inaccessible DDS */
#define NC_EDATADDS     (-73)   /* Malformed or inaccessible DATADDS */
#define NC_EDAPURL      (-74)   /* Malformed DAP URL */
#define NC_EDAPCONSTRAINT (-75) /* Malformed DAP Constraint*/
#define NC_ETRANSLATION (-76)   /* Untranslatable construct */
#define NC_EACCESS      (-77)   /* Access Failure */
#define NC_EAUTH        (-78)   /* Authorization Failure */

#define NC_ENOTFOUND    (-90)   /* No such file */
#define NC_ECANTREMOVE  (-91)   /* Can't remove file */
#define NC_EINTERNAL    (-92)   /* NetCDF Library Internal Error */

NetCDF-4 error codes

#define NC4_FIRST_ERROR (-100)
#define NC_EHDFERR      (-101) /* Error at HDF5 layer. */
#define NC_ECANTREAD    (-102) /* Cannot read. */
#define NC_ECANTWRITE   (-103) /* Cannot write. */
#define NC_ECANTCREATE  (-104) /* Cannot create. */
#define NC_EFILEMETA    (-105) /* Problem with file metadata. */
#define NC_EDIMMETA     (-106) /* Problem with dimension metadata. */
#define NC_EATTMETA     (-107) /* Problem with attribute metadata. */
#define NC_EVARMETA     (-108) /* Problem with variable metadata. */
#define NC_ENOCOMPOUND  (-109) /* Not a compound type. */
#define NC_EATTEXISTS   (-110) /* Attribute already exists. */
#define NC_ENOTNC4      (-111) /* Attempting netcdf-4 operation on netcdf-3 file. */
#define NC_ESTRICTNC3   (-112) /* Attempting netcdf-4 operation on strict nc3 netcdf-4 file. */
#define NC_ENOTNC3      (-113) /* Attempting netcdf-3 operation on netcdf-4 file. */
#define NC_ENOPAR       (-114) /* Parallel operation on file opened for non-parallel access. */
#define NC_EPARINIT     (-115) /* Error initializing for parallel access. */
#define NC_EBADGRPID    (-116) /* Bad group ID. */
#define NC_EBADTYPID    (-117) /* Bad type ID. */
#define NC_ETYPDEFINED  (-118) /* Type has already been defined and may not be edited. */
#define NC_EBADFIELD    (-119) /* Bad field ID. */
#define NC_EBADCLASS    (-120) /* Bad class. */
#define NC_EMAPTYPE     (-121) /* Mapped access for atomic types only. */
#define NC_ELATEFILL    (-122) /* Attempt to define fill value when data already exists. */
#define NC_ELATEDEF     (-123) /* Attempt to define var properties, like deflate, after enddef. */
#define NC_EDIMSCALE    (-124) /* Problem with HDF5 dimscales. */
#define NC_ENOGRP       (-125) /* No group found. */
#define NC_ESTORAGE     (-126) /* Cannot specify both contiguous and chunking. */
#define NC_EBADCHUNK    (-127) /* Bad chunksize. */
#define NC_ENOTBUILT    (-128) /* Attempt to use feature that was not turned on when netCDF was built. */
#define NC_EDISKLESS    (-129) /* Error in using diskless  access. */
#define NC_ECANTEXTEND  (-130) /* Attempt to extend file during ind. I/O operation. */
#define NC_EMPI         (-131) /* MPI operation failed. */
#define NC_EFILTER      (-132) /* Filter operation failed. */
#define NC_ERCFILE      (-133) /* RC file failure */
#define NC_ENULLPAD     (-134) /* Header Bytes not Null-Byte padded */
#define NC_EINMEMORY    (-135) /* In-memory file error */
#define NC4_LAST_ERROR  (-136) /* internal All netCDF errors > this. */

PnetCDF error codes

#define NC_ESMALL                       (-201) /* size of MPI_Offset too small for format */
#define NC_ENOTINDEP                    (-202) /* Operation not allowed in collective data mode */
#define NC_EINDEP                       (-203) /* Operation not allowed in independent data mode */
#define NC_EFILE                        (-204) /* Unknown error in file operation */
#define NC_EREAD                        (-205) /* Unknown error in reading file */
#define NC_EWRITE                       (-206) /* Unknown error in writing to file */
#define NC_EOFILE                       (-207) /* file open/creation failed */
#define NC_EMULTITYPES                  (-208) /* Multiple types used in memory data */
#define NC_EIOMISMATCH                  (-209) /* Input/Output data amount mismatch */
#define NC_ENEGATIVECNT                 (-210) /* Negative count is specified */
#define NC_EUNSPTETYPE                  (-211) /* Unsupported etype in memory MPI datatype */
#define NC_EINVAL_REQUEST               (-212) /* invalid nonblocking request ID */
#define NC_EAINT_TOO_SMALL              (-213) /* MPI_Aint not large enough to hold requested value */
#define NC_ENOTSUPPORT                  (-214) /* feature is not yet supported */
#define NC_ENULLBUF                     (-215) /* trying to attach a NULL buffer */
#define NC_EPREVATTACHBUF               (-216) /* previous attached buffer is found */
#define NC_ENULLABUF                    (-217) /* no attached buffer is found */
#define NC_EPENDINGBPUT                 (-218) /* pending bput is found, cannot detach buffer */
#define NC_EINSUFFBUF                   (-219) /* attached buffer is too small */
#define NC_ENOENT                       (-220) /* File does not exist when calling ncmpi_open() */
#define NC_EINTOVERFLOW                 (-221) /* Overflow when type cast to 4-byte integer */
#define NC_ENOTENABLED                  (-222) /* feature is not enabled */
#define NC_EBAD_FILE                    (-223) /* Invalid file name (e.g., path name too long) */
#define NC_ENO_SPACE                    (-224) /* Not enough space */
#define NC_EQUOTA                       (-225) /* Quota exceeded */
#define NC_ENULLSTART                   (-226) /* argument start is a NULL pointer */
#define NC_ENULLCOUNT                   (-227) /* argument count is a NULL pointer */
#define NC_EINVAL_CMODE                 (-228) /* Invalid file create mode */
#define NC_ETYPESIZE                    (-229) /* MPI derived data type size error (bigger than the variable size) */
#define NC_ETYPE_MISMATCH               (-230) /* element type of the MPI derived data type mismatches the variable type */
#define NC_ETYPESIZE_MISMATCH           (-231) /* file type size mismatches buffer type size */
#define NC_ESTRICTCDF2                  (-232) /* Attempting CDF-5 operation on CDF-2 file */
#define NC_ENOTRECVAR                   (-233) /* Attempting operation only for record variables */
#define NC_ENOTFILL                     (-234) /* Attempting to fill a variable when its fill mode is off */
#define NC_EINVAL_OMODE                 (-235) /* Invalid file open mode */
#define NC_EPENDING                     (-236) /* Pending nonblocking request is found at file close */
#define NC_EMAX_REQ                     (-237) /* Size of I/O request exceeds INT_MAX */
#define NC_EBADLOG                      (-238) /* Unrecognized log file format */
#define NC_EFLUSHED                     (-239) /* Nonblocking request has already been flushed to the PFS. It is too late to cancel */

/* header inconsistency errors start from -250 */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE                 (-250) /* NC definitions on multiprocesses conflict */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_OMODE           (-251) /* inconsistent file open mode */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_DIM_NUM         (-252) /* inconsistent number of dimensions */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_DIM_SIZE        (-253) /* inconsistent size of dimension */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_DIM_NAME        (-254) /* inconsistent dimension names */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_VAR_NUM         (-255) /* inconsistent number of variables */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_VAR_NAME        (-256) /* inconsistent variable name */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_VAR_NDIMS       (-257) /* inconsistent variable's number of dimensions */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_VAR_DIMIDS      (-258) /* inconsistent variable's dimid */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_VAR_TYPE        (-259) /* inconsistent variable's data type */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_VAR_LEN         (-260) /* inconsistent variable's size */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_NUMRECS         (-261) /* inconsistent number of records */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_VAR_BEGIN       (-262) /* inconsistent variable file begin offset (internal use) */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_ATTR_NUM        (-263) /* inconsistent number of attributes */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_ATTR_SIZE       (-264) /* inconsistent memory space used by attribute (internal use) */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_ATTR_NAME       (-265) /* inconsistent attribute name */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_ATTR_TYPE       (-266) /* inconsistent attribute type */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_ATTR_LEN        (-267) /* inconsistent attribute length */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_ATTR_VAL        (-268) /* inconsistent attribute value */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_FNC_ARGS        (-269) /* inconsistent function arguments used in collective API */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_FILL_MODE       (-270) /* inconsistent file fill mode */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_VAR_FILL_MODE   (-271) /* inconsistent variable fill mode */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_VAR_FILL_VALUE  (-272) /* inconsistent variable fill value */
#define NC_EMULTIDEFINE_CMODE           (-273) /* inconsistent file create modes */

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